NecroK.I.L.L.Dozer - Misunderstood / Outpouring Of Reasons Sterility - Jewel


Metal Race Records

Catalog ID:
MR 051

01 The Killing Doze (Endless Geterogenetic Manufactory)
02 Delict's Desiderate
03 Doors Into Impiria
04 Seven Blows
05 Calm Waters
06 The Stories
07 Enjoy Your Corpse
08 The Kill Session
09 Agonizing Burden
10 Outpouring Of Reasons Sterility
11 Paralyse Smells Frost Odour
12 Fuck You
13 Two-Three-Two-Four
14 Killing Doze
15 Doors In Empiria
16 One-Three
17 Enjoy Membrane Your Corpse
18 Deicide
19 Reborn With Atavistic Signs
20 Seven Blows
21 Calm Waters
22 Five-Six

200 copies, numbered, Jewel CD, booklet